Learn about amateur radio this weekend

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From 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 23 through 2 p.m. on Sunday, June 24, the Hamilton County RACES Team will participate in the 85th Annual Field Day. According to arrl.org/field-day, more than 40,000 licensed amateur radio operators will participate in the event.

Hamilton County RACES will set up radios and antennas for the public to learn how amateur radio works. The event will take place in the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department parking lot at 18100 Cumberland Road, Noblesville.

Countless disasters from the devastating earthquakes in Haiti, Hurricane Katrina, and most recently, the hurricanes that impacted Puerto Rico have all relied upon amateur radio operators to communicate when many other systems did not work. The public is encouraged to stop by to learn more about how RACES and others communicate in the county and across the globe.