Lacrosse Roundup: Noblesville boys, Carmel girls get victories

(ABOVE LEFT) Noblesville’s Monty Atkins collected six ground balls during the Millers’ victory over North Central on Wednesday. (ABOVE CENTER) Hamilton Southeastern’s Sarah Gastineau scored three goals for the Royals during their Wednesday game with Bishop Chatard. (ABOVE RIGHT) Fishers’ Amy Cooke, shown here during the Tigers’ game with Heritage Christian, scored one goal and picked up four ground balls during Fishers’ Monday game with Bishop Chatard.

The Noblesville boys lacrosse team picked up another win Wednesday night, beating North Central 9-8 in a home game.

Zach McMichael and Hayden McCaslin each scored three goals for the Millers. Charlie Boe added two goals and Gage Bass scored one goal. Brighton Kojetin had two assists, with McMichael and Logan White both handing out one.

Noblesville was strong on ground balls, with Monty Atkins collecting six of them. Carter Montgomery and Brighton both picked up four ground balls, with Charlie Zink, Shep Coyne and Boe each getting three.

The Millers also won the junior varsity game 14-2.

Noblesville is 2-0 and plays tonight at Fishers and Wednesday at Park Tudor.


The Carmel girls team improved to 5-0 by beating Brebeuf Jesuit 12-0 on Monday.

Breckin Hare scored three goals for the Greyhounds. Sophie Mock, Riley Putnam, Elizabeth Tomalia and Ellie Espey all added two goals, and Mallory Wingenroth scored one. Avery Goehl dished out two assists, followed by one each for Tomalia, Reese Keetle and Espey. In goal, Sophia Anthony made four saves and Brookelyn Jenkins had three.

Carmel was playing Thursday night at Guerin Catholic, but the game was halted three minutes in due to weather. It has been postponed to May 2. The Greyhounds’ next game is Saturday, March 23 at Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy.


The Hamilton Southeastern girls team dropped a 12-8 game to Bishop Chatard on Wednesday.

Sarah Gastineau and Sidney Sloan both scored three goals for the Royals, with Evelynn Armstrong and Reagan James each adding one goal. Armstrong and Edie Fisher each made two assists, followed by one each for Gastineau and Reese Bradley.

Norah Brandenburg collected three ground balls. Emma Johnson had seven goalkeeper saves and Ellie Philhower had two saves.

Southeastern plays two games in Evansville on Saturday, taking on Castle at 11 a.m. and Evansville Memorial at 3:30 p.m.


Fishers’ girls dropped two games early this week.

The Tigers fell to Bishop Chatard 18-2 on Monday. Amy Cooke and Zoey Newell both scored one goal. Greta Scott picked up five ground balls and Cooke collected four.

Fishers lost to Heritage Christian 20-4 on Thursday. Stats were not available at press time.

The Tigers are 0-2 and host Lawrence North on Monday.