Joe Forgey will continue to make positive impacts in Noblesville Schools

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Dear Editor:

Noblesville Schools strives to Engage | Inspire | Empower in all aspects of learning, leadership, and education. Therefore, these same qualities are equally important for our School Board candidates. One candidate who does an exceptional job of embodying these characteristics is Dr. Joe Forgey.

No one “school boards” like Joe Forgey. Having three students in the district, our family activities often find themselves centered around the activities of the school. Undoubtedly, wherever we may be, we will see the presence of the Noblesville School Board. And quite often, that presence is Joe Forgey. He is consistently engaging with the community and public. When Joe is present, he is not simply sitting back and letting the pieces fall where they may, but he is actively engaging with those around him. He is constantly meeting others, hearing from others, and learning from others. This applies to not only the community and families of Noblesville, but also the faculty and staff. Joe Forgey lives out loud the meaning of ENGAGE.

From speaking with Joe, it is clear that one of the most important qualities he looks for in working with others is a positive and forward-thinking mindset. Someone who is willing to listen, someone who is “pro” others, and someone who exudes a level of positivity. I would venture to say that Joe, himself, is this kind of person. He is genuinely interested in promoting others. He is consistently looking for the greater good. His ability to find and seek a positive message even in difficult times is nothing short of inspiring. Joe understands that our world needs and thrives on those who work for the good of others. It is in these ways that Joe has made it his mission to INSPIRE while serving on the Board.

Joe understands his position on the Board is not one of power or control, but rather one of listening, representation, and understanding. It is his ability to listen, gather information, remain level-headed, look for common ground, and seek resolution when possible that allows him to empower others. A true leader leads by example and guidance, empowering those around him or her. This is especially true within our school communities. We need a Board who will empower our teachers and educators to do the hard work of preparing our students for the future. We need a Board who will empower our administration to make the hard and oh-so-important decisions of what will be the best for all students. We need a Board who will ultimately empower its students to lead successful lives allowing them to thrive in today’s world. Joe understands, that in the end, to EMPOWER others is the most important part of his role on the Board.

It’s been said that if you want to make a difference, start at home. Make a difference on Tuesday, Nov. 8 by voting for School Board candidates that make a positive impact. Please consider casting a vote for Dr. Joe Forgey and his mission to Engage, Inspire, and Empower our community and Noblesville Schools.

Kami Propst