Jennifer McCormick accepts Indiana State Teachers Association’s endorsement


On Wednesday, Jennifer McCormick accepted the Indiana State Teachers Association (ISTA) endorsement in her quest to become Governor of the State of Indiana.


“As an educator and the last elected State Superintendent of Public Instruction, I am honored to receive the endorsement of Indiana’s largest teachers’ union, the Indiana State Teachers Association,” McCormick said. “The support and confidence shown by this endorsement is humbling. This endorsement is a symbol of unity in advocacy, the power of inclusive and collaborative bipartisan leadership, and an unwavering commitment to empowering all Indiana teachers and students. Together, we will strive for excellence in education pushing back against attacks on teachers and public education and working to advance good educational policies while respecting teachers.”

McCormick continued, “Hoosiers deserve a governor who will champion for kids, prioritize education, and recognize the vital role of our teachers. The future of Indiana’s economy and workforce, the health of our communities, and the opportunities afforded to our kids are at stake. Together we can build a future where every voice is heard, every person is valued, and every opportunity is within reach.”

As the former state superintendent, McCormick fought to take politics out of the classroom and ensure every child had access to the best education possible.

“Unfortunately, the supermajority extremists in our statehouse continue to focus on issues that don’t help educators, students, or their families,” McCormick said. “Hoosiers are ready for a leader who believes in common sense solutions that make the state one where our children will stay, work, and thrive.”

Learn more about the candidate at Hoosiers can also follow her campaign on Facebook and Twitter.