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Dear Editor:
Godby Home Furnishings, like many businesses, gets numerous requests to financially support many local charitable organizations. We do help as much as we can, focusing on the charities we feel we can make impact the most. The Sheridan Youth Assistance Program is just such an organization.
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My sister Nikki Zachery was the Sheridan Middle School guidance counselor. She told me about the incredible work Lisa Samuels and the SYAP was doing in the Sheridan community. I feel it is important to reach kids early in life, and to let them know someone is in their corner supporting them. That is exactly what Lisa and her staff do every day. Her passion for the kids and families of Sheridan is exactly why Godby Home Furnishings has chosen this organization. We feel every dollar of support goes directly toward changing a child’s life for the better, and in turn will help the town of Sheridan for many years to come.
We at Godby Home Furnishings will never forget our Sheridan roots and the many years of support given to us. We will continue to help support SYAP as much as we can … It’s the right thing to do!
Jeff Godby
Godby Home Furnishings