Jackson Township Fire thanks Cpt. Coonfield for his service

(From left) Jackson Township Trustee Robyn Cook, Mike Kirchberg, Captain John Coonfield, John Moore, Taylor DeBaun, Fred McComiskey, Chief Jeff Muszar and Dave Votaw. (Photo provided by Jackson Fire)

On Monday, Jackson Township Fire Department, 508 W. Main St., Arcadia, held a retirement party at the firehouse to honor the career of Captain John Coonfield.

Coonfield’s career with Jackson Fire began in 2006 as a volunteer firefighter and EMT after returning from a year of combat deployment with a forward surgical company. He had the opportunity as an older firefighter to join the ranks and mentor some of the younger, less-experienced members, as well as work with the officers and administration to begin shaping what the department was to become.

As his career continued, Coonfield was able to work with many individuals and for different administrations who all left their own mark on the department.

In 2016, Coonfield was selected as the Anthem Angel, and in 2017 he was the St. Vincent paramedic of the year and was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. He also served as department head for public events and special event coverage and worked for the department as the communication liaison, drawing from nearly 10 years in the Marine Corps as a radio operator and supervisor.

Coonfield continued to work with members of the department to provide the best service possible and continued to mentor younger members.

Over the next few years, he was promoted to the rank of Captain, was in charge of Fire and Life Safety Division, and served as an investigator in the Fire Investigations Division under Lead Investigator Mike Kirchberg and others.

He developed and headed the Inspections Division and was instrumental in the opening of several businesses in the township, ensuring a safe place of commerce for residents and visitors alike.

Moving forward, Captain Coonfield will continue his connection with the department in a supportive role, drawing from his experience and desire for the continued improvement of the department and its members.