Ivy Tech, Vincennes University announce new transfer partnership

Ivy Tech Community College and Vincennes University are announcing a new partnership which will begin with the Fall 2018 semester. This collaboration will provide a seamless, cost-effective degree pathway for students in high-demand, high-value careers. It starts with students completing their first two years and earning an associate degree with Ivy Tech Community College, then culminates in earning a Vincennes University bachelor’s degree in Homeland Security and Public Safety two years following (for full-time students). Students accepted by Vincennes into the program will transfer with junior status.

“This pilot agreement represents a new era of cooperation between Ivy Tech and Vincennes to meet the workforce needs of Indiana in high-demand areas such as cybersecurity, said Dr. Sue Ellspermann, president of Ivy Tech. “Students will benefit from this collaboration by having a seamless pathway of coursework that takes students from admission to Ivy Tech straight through to completion of the Vincennes baccalaureate degree without ever needing to leave the Indianapolis market.”

“Students will benefit by making VU’s highly-regarded bachelor’s degree program in Homeland Security more accessible,” added Vincennes president, Dr. Chuck Johnson. “Our faculty have worked together in recent months to articulate programs, giving Ivy Tech students a clear pathway to attaining their BS from VU. Through this additional joint effort, we will provide even more flexibility for students, bringing some of the coursework and support services to them.

Ivy Tech associate degrees that will transfer seamlessly into the Homeland Security and Public Safety program at Vincennes are:

  • Criminal Justice
  • Homeland Security/Public Safety
  • Legal Studies
  • Cybersecurity/Information Assurance
  • Information Technology Support
  • Informatics

Students in these program areas will have the opportunity to take a combination of face-to-face, synchronous video, hybrid and online courses for the Vincennes degree. Classroom and lab facilities at the Ivy Tech Indianapolis Lawrence campus will be utilized by Vincennes for instruction in the final two years of the program. Courses will initially be taught using Vincennes faculty, but future collaboration could include hiring Ivy Tech faculty to teach selected courses.

“Integrated advising will be a hallmark of this collaboration. In addition to the Ivy Tech academic advisors, Vincennes advisors will be available on the Ivy Tech campus to ensure that students understand the requirements of the program and have a smooth transition from the associate degree to the baccalaureate completion,” said Dr. Kathleen Lee, chancellor of Ivy Tech Indianapolis.

When students pursue the full-time track, they can complete both an Ivy Tech associate degree and a Vincennes bachelor’s degree in four years at an Ivy Tech campus. Part-time options will be available as well.