How Giving Tuesday helps local nonprofit organizations

Guest Columnist

Every year, Giving Tuesday takes place in the U.S. on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. For many nonprofit organizations, donations given on this day are essential to their mission and daily functions. In Indianapolis alone, there are over 250 nonprofit organizations serving Marion County and the surrounding area.

The importance of nonprofits in a community

Nonprofit organizations are vital for all communities as they work to improve the lives of others and have major economic impacts, especially in Central Indiana. According to research from the Indiana Nonprofits Project, in Indianapolis, total nonprofit jobs in the region exceeded employment in all major for-profit industries in the region, including manufacturing, and surpassing retail trade jobs in 2018. Additionally, nonprofit employment in the region has grown every year since 2000.

However, due to the pandemic and the current rise in the cost of goods and services, many organizations are struggling and need your help. Giving Tuesday is just one of many opportunities for you to make a difference in your community. If you believe in something, stand behind it. Give if you’re able. Consider getting involved by serving on a committee, participating on a board or becoming a volunteer. Every dollar donated and minute spent volunteering goes to a cause that is much larger than you and me.

The founding of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Indiana

Many nonprofits are founded when someone notices a need that isn’t currently being filled. That’s how Ronald McDonald House Charities was founded in Philadelphia after co-founder Dr. Audrey Evans, a pediatric oncologist, saw parents sleeping in chairs at their child’s bedside or in hospital lobbies while waiting to hear updates. She recognized how deeply their child’s health could affect the entire family’s well-being as parents were not able to properly sleep, eat or take care of their own needs on top of caring for their sick child. It’s from that same compassion and desire to help others that a nonprofit is created.

Similarly, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Indiana (RMHCCIN) was founded thanks to the work of nine founding board members, including James and Cheri Forslund, Jim Props and Karen Campbell and other civic, family and medical leaders in the community. Campbell’s child was being treated for cancer at a Chicago hospital which showed her the need for families to be close and have accommodations near their hospitalized children. That experience inspired her to raise money, build awareness and find leaders in Indianapolis to develop RMHCCIN.

RMHCCIN operates the Ronald McDonald House on Limestone Street and two Ronald McDonald Family Rooms inside Riley Children’s Health. Throughout the pandemic, the House never shut down because there were so many families who needed our services. With 51 rooms at the House and three at Riley, we’re currently at full capacity for the first time since March 2020. The House hosted 435 families for overnight stays and welcomed over 1,000 visitors to the Family Rooms in 2021. It’s estimated that we have served as many as 100,000 families in our 40-year history. Without generous donations, the House would not be able to operate on this scale or keep families close during their child’s treatment.

The impact of donations

Since opening our doors 40 years ago, the House has undergone multiple expansions and added new Family Rooms inside the Maternity Tower at Riley Children’s. Donations from Giving Tuesday make it possible to expand services and provide the valuable resources the House needs to keep it running, pay staff and ensure there are warm rooms, comfortable beds and healthy, nutritious food for our families.

While donations cover the cost of our services, another integral part of what we provide is human comfort. The House can support up to 51 families a night, giving them access to the comforts of our home away from home. We take pride in our family-centered care approach and our volunteers and staff help provide that extra comfort to lift families up.

To participate in RMHCCIN’s Giving Tuesday initiatives, visit

Karin Ogden serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Indiana.