Governor signs Asher’s Bill, protecting children

Surrounded by supporters of the bill, including Jennifer Trattnor (standing, center) and her son Asher, 2, Governor Eric Holcomb signed “Asher’s Bill” into law. (Photo provided by Jennifer Trattnor)

Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb recently signed SB 323, “Asher’s Law.”

Indiana Senate Bill 323 gives judges the option to order a parent to pay for drug testing as a condition of exercising visitation rights if the court finds that the parent has a history of drug use within the past five years or if there’s a “reasonable likelihood” of drug use.

It also states visitation, if granted by a judge, must be supervised if the parent has been convicted of child molesting or child exploitation within the past five years.

The bill had unanimous bipartisan support, passing the House 95-0 and the Senate 49-0 in February. The bill was sponsored by more than a dozen Republican and Democratic Senators and Representatives.