GOP congressional candidates keep it civil

(From left) Mark Hurt, Patrick Malayter, Chuck Goodrich, Emily Pearson, LD Powell, Raju Chinthala, Max Engling, and Victoria Spartz, and Larry Savage. (Reporter photo)

The Northern Hamilton County GOP Club invited the public to meet eight of the Republican Fifth District Congressional candidates on Monday night at the Sheridan Community Center, 300 E. 6th St. This newspaper was impressed with all candidates in attendance for holding a civil discussion on their individual campaigns.

There were no personal attacks, and each candidate had 10 minutes to tell the audience what they stand for. Any discussion of what anyone stands against was limited to policies and society-wide issues. We credit the leadership of Northern GOP President Emily Pearson for an informative evening and a tasty meal.

You can learn more about some of these candidates at the end of every edition of The Reporter until Election Day. The ones you cannot learn about in these pages are those candidates who have not yet chosen to engage with our readers.

Editor’s note: There has recently been some public discussion about media outlets that only provide information on candidates who advertise with them. That is not the policy of this newspaper.

There is never a cost for any candidate to give our readers up to 200 words, a photo, and links to their websites or social media pages. Any candidates reading this who have not yet engaged with The Reporter’s readers can do so at this link.

Any candidate whose information does not violate our policy against attack ads will be published in the edition after submission and will continue to be published in every edition up to and including Election Day.

Reporter photos

1 Comment on "GOP congressional candidates keep it civil"

  1. Chris Hartig for Indiana House Rep Dist 29 | April 24, 2024 at 9:01 am |

    It is nice to see that there were guardrails of civility for the event after the altercations from the last debate between them.

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