The ABC Prep Academy’s mission is to serve students as an effective pipeline to aligned summer internships, employment, and ABC apprenticeship opportunities in the trade of the student’s choosing.
“A critical part of students understanding what construction trade might be right for them is experiential exposure,” Program Director Robert Kneberg said. “In addition to hands-on training in a range of construction trades, ABC Member Businesses provide guest instruction and field trips to students throughout the school year to help expose students further to the various career options available to them.”
This week, students attended a field trip to Gaylor Electric’s Noblesville location. Gaylor Electric provided students with an introduction to the electrical trades through guest instruction and their mobile innovation training lab.

ABC Prep Academy, with support from companies like Gaylor Electric, is working hard to fill the void of talent in the construction and trades business. (Photo provided by ABC Prep Academy)
Chelsey Thompson, Workforce Development Coordinator for Gaylor Electric, said, “A challenge many construction companies currently face is a lack of available talent. The ABC Prep Academy program serves as a critical pipeline to help meet this need. We are proud of our partnership with them.”
Gaylor Electric is a large and rapidly growing company with many career opportunities from design and build to electrical utilities and alternative energy, to electrical service work. Gaylor Electric provides a wide range of support to the ABC Prep Academy through each school year, and students are grateful for the many career opportunities Gaylor Electric provides them.
Matt Allread, Education Manager at Gaylor Electric, said, “The ABC Prep Academy is one of a few high school construction programs in Indiana which provide a pathway to the electrical trades. We will continue to work closely with them in support of this critical pipeline of talent.”
Reporter photos by Nik Roberts / Photos provided by ABC Academy