Friends of Fishers PAC seeks to “restore academic excellence”

Submitted by Friends of Fishers PAC

The Friends of Fishers Political Action Committee (FoF PAC) launched Wednesday with a mission to help elect school board candidates committed to “restoring academic excellence in Hamilton Southeastern Schools.”

With HSE Schools falling from fourth in the state to 16th in academic rankings, FoF PAC believes significant changes need to be made to restore the once-proud school district.

This mission starts with electing a new school board on Nov. 8, 2022, dedicated to bringing the basics of public education back as a priority.

FoF PAC will hold the first in a series of receptions from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Aug. 10. Members of the Fishers community are asked to come meet the candidates and raise money.

For additional details about the reception or to make a contribution, please go to Those interested in attending the reception can also RSVP to