Former teacher excited to support Misti Ray & Melba Kiser in Noblesville school board election

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Dear Editor:

As a Noblesville citizen of 34 years, and a retired teacher, I am excited about the upcoming school board election.

I do not have a personal relationship with any of the candidates, and so research was necessary for me to determine who would have my vote. I found that each of the candidates have had professional experience that would lend itself to board work. The volunteer work they have all invested in is commendable across the board and demonstrates much about what makes Noblesville a wonderful city and a great place to raise children.

Two candidates stood out. Misti Ray and Melba Kiser will have my vote.

Competence and a heart for volunteering are positive traits. I do find it problematic that most of the candidates are just extolling what is wonderful about our schools and nothing about what they want to do to make them better. Noblesville is not a rest on our laurels kind of community – we are always striving to be better. A leader cannot lead without a vision for what they want to accomplish and clearly stated priorities that others may embrace.

Misti Ray and Melba Kiser are committed to removing the noise that reduces the time dedicated to getting a great academic education. Their websites communicate exactly what they want to see change. That transparency is what our community deserves and our children need.

There are excellent teachers in Noblesville Schools, and they need the best leadership and community support that we can provide. I enjoyed professional time in the corporate world but became convinced I wanted to invest in young people and went back to school so that I could teach. My 18 years in the classroom taught me that without sufficient focus, learning suffered. The standardized test scores suggest that we need more focus on core academics.

One of the best ways we can support our beautiful teachers is to get rid of anything in the way of learning. Some of the social and emotional learning and other politically charged noise needs to be pushed out of the way. Reading, math, science, and history need to be center stage. Students who receive more time dedicated to instruction in the core academics will be well positioned for professional success and will be able to think critically to keep the “American Dream” alive.

I am excited to see what Misti Ray and Melba Kiser will contribute towards the absolute best for the children and young people of our community.

Shellie Thomas