Former Noblesville school board leaders endorse Forgey & Haberman

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Dear Editor:

As former Noblesville Schools board members, we have unique insight into the upcoming school board race, which is why we endorse Dr. Joe Forgey and Chuck Haberman for the Noblesville School Board of Trustees.

We know firsthand the great responsibility serving on this board brings, not just for shaping the lives of over 10,000 students, but in shaping the future of our community. While much has changed during the decades we have served, one important thing has not – this role exists to support children.

A school board member must be driven by this passion to care for all students in our community and not by political agendas or personal objectives. School board leaders must be open-minded and willing to learn. They must be responsive to the overall needs of the community. But most importantly, they must make decisions for the benefit of our children.

This election is critically important as politics seek to influence our schools.

Please join us in supporting Dr. Joe Forgey and Chuck Haberman as you cast your vote.

Joe and Chuck are running because they care for children and the strength of this community. They are not aligned with political groups and agendas.

Our children, and the future strength of our community, are depending on us.

Patrick Berghoff
Carl A. Johnson
Jane A. Barr
Donna M. Clark
Chris Hamm
John Ditslear
Lori Cain
Stephen W. Cook

2 Comments on "Former Noblesville school board leaders endorse Forgey & Haberman"

  1. Lawrence Snair | November 2, 2022 at 4:51 am |

    The group who signed this letter are are entrenched POLITICIANS and should be a REAL reason NOT TO VOTE FOR THOSE THEY ARE SUPPORTING. The school board shouldn’t be staffed full of those liberal type connected politicians going forward. Please look up those who signed this support letter and see for yourself.

  2. Tim Cortrecht | November 2, 2022 at 10:14 am |

    That makes it very clear. These 2 candidates are the status quo candidates. If someone is looking for change, these are not the candidates to vote for.

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