Fishers One supports Kelly’s analysis of HSE ILEARN data


A letter to the editor published in the Hamilton County Reporter by Hamilton Southeastern parent Kellie Kelly represents a challenge and an opportunity for those committed to improving academic performance in HSE Schools.

In Kelly’s analysis of the most recent ILEARN data, she suggests the Fishers community should be asking current school board candidates and candidates running for board positions in November some important questions including:

  1. What can be done to improve academic performance in our schools?
  2. What can be done to address COVID learning loss, especially in math?
  3. What can be done to return HSE schools to the top of the charts when compared with other high performing school districts?

About Fishers One

Fishers One is a grassroots community-based organization that supports efforts by community members to analyze data and challenge both current and future HSE school board leadership to elaborate on plans that will more effectively prepare students for the college and career readiness.

You can learn more about Fishers One and how to get involved at and at