Fishers Fire Department offers new program

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Fishers Department of Fire and Emergency Services is offering Fishers residents a free and easy to use medical information form that can be kept on their refrigerator called the “File of Life.”

Used in an estimated 18 million homes, “File of Life” is a national program that allows those with medical issues to fill out a form with history, medicines, insurance information and emergency contacts and then place it into a pouch with a magnet, and place it in a visible location on their refrigerator.  It provides important medical information to emergency responders which may be vital, especially when the patient is unable speak for themselves.

Fisher’s firefighters are trained to look for these folders on the refrigerator when responding on medical emergencies.  Each person staying in the house with medical information should have their own file.

To get your free “File of Life” form with magnetic pouch and window sticker, stop in at our headquarter station, behind Fishers City Hall, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.