Fishers City Council deadlocks on rezoning, will vote again next month

The Fishers City Council had a lively discussion Monday night about a rezoning request for a house on 126th Street, near Olio Road, which ended in a 4-4 tie vote. Jeffrey Cummings of REMAX asked the council to zone a house at 13589 E. 126th St. from residential to commercial.

The council decided to continue the matter for 30 days to allow absent Councilman John Weingardt a chance to weigh in on the issue and break the tie vote.

Rich Block, Eric Moeller, David George and Brad DeReamer voted yes on the rezoning. Pete Peterson, Cecilia Coble, Selina Stoller and Todd Zimmerman voted no on the measure.

Those voting no emphasized they were not opposed to the plans proposed by Mr. Cummings to use the house as a real estate office. The home has been on the market for some time and has not sold as a residential property.

Peterson argued that this rezoning is not in line with the city’s 2040 comprehensive plan and could start a trend of commercial development along 126th Street when the comprehensive plan shows that corridor as residential.

After initially deadlocking on the 4-4 vote, the council went through some procedural gymnastics to rescind that vote and continue the matter for 30 days, allowing Councilman Weingardt to vote and break the deadlock.

As a result, the rezoning is expected to be considered at the next council session in May.

1 Comment on "Fishers City Council deadlocks on rezoning, will vote again next month"

  1. David Fahrenholz | April 22, 2019 at 7:51 am |

    It is interesting that the council is opposed to rezoning when actual citizens ask for a variance for one property. When a builder comes in with the promise of jobs and future tax revenue they fall all over themselves to rezone, use imminent domain and give large incentives which come from property tax hikes without consulting the citizens.

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