Fishers Arts Council seeking new board members

The Fishers Arts Council (FAC) is looking for a few good people. FAC is seeking applications from individuals who want to help promote visual and performing arts in the city.

The mission of FAC is to support, advocate and cultivate visual and performing arts opportunities that educate, enhance and/or enrich the lives of those who live, work and visit Fishers.

FAC is looking for individuals who are:

  • Willing to give two to three hours each month to promote and grow public and private art in the city through participation at meetings, on juries or by volunteering at The Art Gallery at City Hall.
  • Creative and willing to get their hands dirty.

If you are one of these individuals, FAC needs you to help continue to promote the visual and performing arts in Fishers. Don’t leave the decision to others.

Complete an application at or come talk to the group and meet current board members at the meet-and-greet from 7 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 25 at the Pure Eatery Restaurant, 8235 E. 116th St., Fishers. Come ask questions and decide if you will be a part of shaping the future of art in Fishers.