Fiscal Conservatives pay tribute to McKinney

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Dear Editor:

Thank you, Council President McKinney.

The Executive Board of the Fiscal Conservatives of Hamilton County, which include founding member David Giffel-Treasurer, founding member Bill Smythe-President, and me, Marla Ailor-Vice President, are here to thank you for 24 years of service in Hamilton County as a County Councilor.

(From left) Marla Ailor, Rick McKinney and Bill Smythe. (Photo provided)

During Rick’s tenure, Hamilton County has grown from a sleepy suburban county of 147,000 residents to the fourth-largest county in Indiana with 344,000 residents. It has more than doubled in size during his tenure.

He has consistently demonstrated, along with a few other like-minded fiscal conservatives, a strong desire to keep this county on a solid fiscal footing through low taxes and responsible spending. Rick has championed funding for numerous road and bridge projects, park lands and their use, and public safety projects, while working to keep the county’s property tax rate nearly flat with NO increase in the regular local income tax.

Independent-minded, fair, and balanced, he has partnered with the Commissioners on many worthwhile projects, but also stood apart and firm when funding was sought for projects he questioned. His embrace and faithful practice of his fiduciary responsibilities on behalf of taxpayers will be missed.

It is with our deepest respect for all he has done for our county, we wish to present him this token of our appreciation. We thank you for advocating for fiscal responsibility, reduced government spending and minimal government debt, Rick. We wish you our very best and will miss our greatest champion who has represented us so well.

Thank you.

Marla Ailor, Vice President

Fiscal Conservatives of Hamilton County