Finding new ways to stay fit during COVID-19 pandemic

Be Well

“Me thinks that the minute my legs begin to move my thoughts begin to flow, as if I had given vent to the stream at the lower end and consequently new fountains flowed into it at the upper.”

– Henry David Thoreau

Ah yes, another controversy – to open the fitness centers or not during this pandemic? Well, I do not have the answer to that as I am neither scientist nor physician. However, I do believe that during this time of great uncertainty as it relates to our health, well-being, and dare I say our very lives that perhaps we should come down on the side of caution?

Believe me, I understand, as I am no longer teaching my three FlexAbility classes each week and I am not meeting in-person with any clients. And I do not enjoy those changes and understand completely the frustration of those who exercise regularly in the gyms and wish for those to remain open.

But wait! Maybe there are some alternatives for those of us who need to keep moving – which include all of us in some form or another.

Let’s begin with walking … are you getting your 10,000 steps in? Of course, the weather is not always perfect, but we can work around that, and many of us have treadmills and stationary bikes. Walking is indeed the best exercise available in my opinion. For those who have walking issues of course swimming is a possible alternative and actually should be included for anyone as it is a great conditioning exercise.

For women of a certain age it is very important as it is a weight-bearing exercise, which is recommended for those with osteopenia and osteoporosis – of course your physician will diagnose those conditions. Strength training for muscle tone; most of the big box stores carry hand weights and you can work out with these for your biceps, triceps, shoulder and back muscles, and in muscle toning exercises for the lower body. Many of you have exercise bands which are very easy to include in your routine.

Flexibility is extremely important, whether you are an infrequent exerciser or a conditioned athlete. Always do your stretching and flexible movements before doing any other type of exercise.

And we come to one of my favorites – dancing! Bruce and I love to dance and do so every chance we get although our main area of dance is now the kitchen! However, you can dance whether you have a dance partner or not! Turn up your faves (Motown for me) and move it! Not only will your body benefit but your brain as well when those endorphins kick in! ALWAYS get clearance from your physician first before beginning any exercise regimen.

In the meantime, let’s keep that mantra “We are all in this together” in our hearts and minds so that we can, by social distancing, wearing our masks in public, and practicing good hygiene, see the end to this extremely challenging public health dilemma. Stay well and courageous!

Sharon McMahon, CNWC

The opinions expressed in this article are not intended to replace advice of your personal physician or licensed health professional. Please consult your physician for any issues you may have related to nutrition or fitness activity.