Final “Joy to Your Workplace” Q&A

Before we officially start the Bringing Joy to Your Workplace Series next week, I wanted to address some final, potential real-life “what the heck?” questions readers may have.

Q: I don’t have the time or the money for this stuff. I can barely do my regular duties! How do you expect me to do the things you suggest in this series?

A: I hear you. I’ve been there. Some of my closest family members and friends are probably thinking the same thing. Trust me when I tell you that most of the tips shared in this series will take barely any time and effort and are free or low cost.

You want to do things that increase the productivity of your company, not take away from it. You want to be happier in your workplace and make others happier, not increase stress levels. Read this column each week, do a couple of steps here and there, and you’ll find that they make it easier to do your tasks!

And when I say a couple of steps, I mean it. You don’t have to do everything in this series to start turning things around in your workplace. I talk more about this in the final question, which just happens to be next.

Q: I’m not outgoing like you. How can I spread joy?

A: I love my introverted family members, friends, and co-workers. I truly (really!) have some introverted tendencies myself. I recognize that not everyone is super-duper energetic and enthusiastic like me. That’s okay. The world needs all types of people. Joyful people can be bouncy, funny, sorta loud, and outgoing. But they can also be calm, wise, kinda quiet, and introspective. Or a mix of all these traits.

When I taught the Dale Carnegie course on people skills, we talked about the different ways we can be enthusiastic. There is such a thing as quiet enthusiasm, and it is downright beautiful.

You don’t have to do everything in this series to bring joy to your workplace. Even the more subdued, quiet, “under the radar” tactics can bring about noticeable changes for all.

Hopefully I’ve helped you understand just what a big deal this joy stuff is and that it can be easy to spread it around and elevate our workplaces to incredible new levels.

Let’s get started on this journey, shall we?

Amy Shankland is a writer and fundraising professional living in Noblesville with her husband John, two sons, two dogs and a cat. You can reach her via email at