Feed others, lose the late fees at Hamilton North Public Library

The kids went to Grandma’s house for fall break, and they forgot to bring home the library books they’d taken.

Your husband agreed to drop off the movies on his way to work, which saved a trip with the sick baby for you. However, one movie didn’t make it back on time. It had slipped under the car seat unnoticed.

Middle-school student Joey got his book report done before its due date (yea!) and even got the book back to the library on time. Unfortunately, he turned it in to the school library, forgetting that it was from the Atlanta library.

These incidents happen to all of us. The results? Fines. No one is fond of fines, but November offers an opportunity to feel better about fines, perhaps, than during other months of the year. That’s because November is Food for Fines month. That means patrons can donate a canned good, boxed food, or other nonperishable item to pay off overdue fines. Each item counts for $1 worth of fines. This offer is good only during November, so the next time you go to the library (Cicero or Atlanta), be sure to check whether you have fines.

Please keep in mind the following information when paying off your fines with goods:

  • Canned goods and packaged foods are accepted.
  • Disposable diapers and baby wipes count too.
  • Laundry detergent and paper towels may be donated.
  • Items must be unopened, undamaged, in original packaging and current (check expiration dates).
  • Glass containers are not accepted.
  • The library reserves the right to refuse items that are of little nutritional or monetary value.
  • Please note that Food For Fines cannot be used to pay for damaged or lost books or other materials.