Fallen Officer Blood Drive today at Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office

The annual Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office Fallen Officer Blood Drive is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today at Sheriff’s Office. The community is invited to honor fallen officers by giving blood at memorial blood drives throughout the summer months across the state of Indiana during the 11th annual Fallen Officer Blood Drive Campaign.

Janice Starnes, whose husband, Morgan County Sheriff’s Office Sergeant Daniel Starnes, was killed in the line of duty in 2001, founded the campaign. “Blood drives continue to grow and our officers are not forgotten thanks to the people who come to give blood in their memory,” said Starnes.

More than 44,700 pints of blood have been donated since the 2007 start of the Fallen Officer blood drives with 2,842 of those donations given last year. Blood and platelet donations are needed every day for patients with many serious medical conditions. Accident and burn victims, heart surgery patients, organ transplant patients and those receiving treatment for leukemia, cancer or sickle cell disease may all need blood. By giving your renewable blood resource, you could help patients being treated at hospitals across Indiana.

To honor a fallen officer by donating, visit https://www.donorpoint.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/110097