Duke Energy supports Shepherd’s Center

The grant given to the Shepherd’s Center of Hamilton County will go towards the Reaching Resources program, which helps older adults get the resources they need to age in place safely. (Photo provided)

Shepherd’s Center of Hamilton County (SCHC) recently received a grant from the Duke Energy Foundation for their new Reaching Resources program. The grant, totaling $9,975, will help the program’s goal of changing the way people age in Hamilton County.

Reaching Resources links older adults with community resources to help them age in place safely. This program was launched in 2017 with support from the Legacy Fund’s Community Leadership Initiative in Hamilton County. The Duke Energy Foundation’s support furthers the mission of the initiative. “We want to help our senior citizens age in place, prevent isolation and maintain their independence,” said Mark LaBarr, Duke Energy Indiana community relations manager for Hamilton County.

In AARP’s Long-Term Services and Supports State Scorecard, Indiana is currently one of the worst places to age in the United States. Coming in 51st, only before Kentucky, Indiana needs community-based services and supports to improve how people age. Reaching Resources is the first county-wide program to address these needs of Hamilton County’s aging population.

“While Hamilton County has led the way as a thriving community focused on youth and families, we have an opportunity to lead the state in improving aging in our community,” says Lauren Guynn, Executive Director for SCHC.

To learn more about SCHC and the Reaching Resources program, please visit shepherdscenterofhamiltoncounty.org. To find out more about the Duke Energy Foundation’s community support, please visit duke-energy.com/foundation.