Debbie Driskell encourages voters to re-elect Jeff Hern

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Dear Hamilton County,

As the Delaware Township Trustee, I have had the pleasure of collaborating with Jeff Hern, current Hamilton County Councilor.

Prior to Jeff’s elected role as County Councilor, he served as Fall Creek Township Trustee. During his tenure, I admired how he approached working with his constituents. As a Trustee, Jeff had many successes. Those included tripling the size of the food pantry without using taxpayer dollars, securing additional land for nature parks and trails, and implementing a ‘Back to School’ backpack program.

When Jeff was elected Hamilton County Councilor, I was impressed to see him use the same core values that made him a successful as a Trustee. He has always aimed to keep government limited and easy to navigate, and be readily accessible and available to constituents.

As Jeff Hern runs for re-election for Hamilton County Councilor, I ask that you vote for someone who will always put you first.

Debbie Driskell

Delaware Township Trustee