County War Memorial will soon get a facelift

The County Council approved a bid for $46,000 to restore the War Memorial. (Photo provided /

The War Memorial for Hamilton County Fallen Heroes in Crownland Cemetery in Noblesville will soon get a facelift. Built in 1952 and originally funded by the Hamilton County Commissioners, the memorial has seen better days.

“Over time, normal weathering and concrete deterioration have really taken a toll on the monument,” says Bill Doss with the Hamilton County Veterans Corporation.

Doss and fellow veterans Ron Wilson, Lynn Epperson and Wayne Long led the effort to have the memorial restored, bringing it to the attention of County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt.


“The memorial has been an honorable place for veterans and their families to remember and pay their respects to those who served,” Heirbrandt said. “Funding its restoration seemed liked a no-brainer to the county commissioners.”

Hamilton County Building & Grounds Director Steve Wood bid the project. The County Council unanimously approved a measure to restore the memorial at a cost of $46,000. The project will take about six weeks to complete. Restoration could start as early as next week.

The Hamilton County Veterans Corporation would also like to add two new memorial stones to honor fallen heroes from World War I and the Persian Gulf War. It is still working on funds to cover the additional cost. If you would like to contribute, please you can contact them at