County Health Department to hold QPR class to raise awareness about suicide prevention

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Fresh off Suicide Prevention Month, the Hamilton County Health Department will play host to a free QPR Training at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 18 at Trinity Free Clinic in Carmel.

QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer. The event aims to raise awareness about suicide prevention and equip community members with the knowledge and skills necessary to help those in crisis.


“Knowing how to listen and what to ask a person in crisis could save a life,” said Jim Ginder, health education specialist. “Most people in crisis just need someone to listen to them. This class teaches non-judgmental listening techniques and the critical questions to ask someone considering suicide.”

Students in the QPR training will learn how to recognize the signs of suicide, engage with individuals in crisis, and connect them to appropriate resources and support.

“One of the toughest questions you may ever ask someone is if they’re considering suicide,” Ginder added. “But it’s critical that you ask. It’s a common misconception that asking the question will give someone the idea to take their life. That’s simply not true. By the time someone is seriously considering suicide, they’ve been thinking about it for many months and maybe years.”

All Hamilton County residents are invited and encouraged to attend the training. Pre-registration is required due to limited space. Please visit to register for the class.

“Everyone has the ability to reduce the number of lives lost to suicide,” Ginder said. “Together, we can raise awareness, reduce stigma, and work towards a healthier, safer community.”