County Councilman Mark Hall’s December Timesheet

Welcome to the Timesheet. This column is a report of work done on behalf of the people of Hamilton County. It’s to be informative, too – a place to learn about projects and how our county government works. Happy New Year.

As your employee, it’s important to me that you know what is being worked on as transparently as possible in government. You hired me as your County Councilman, and my hope is that you’ll choose to be informed by regularly reading this column, getting involved, and by asking questions. Council meetings are at 7 p.m. the first Wednesday of every month at the Judicial Center in downtown Noblesville. January’s meeting has been moved to 7 p.m. on the 10th of the month. Meetings are also available to watch online for those unable to attend in person.

Here is where my time this past month has been spent.

December’s work was heavily weighted towards serving Cicero and the northern parts of our county. Citizens remonstrating against a potential large residential neighborhood led to hours of meetings listening to neighbors and the Jackson Township Planning Commission as they sought developer information and resident feedback on the project. Water and wastewater utilities conversations, research, and a fair amount of analysis along with supporting constituents’ questions about the county utility district required many more hours.

This month, our in-person personnel committee meeting was canceled. Without a meeting, personnel requests are voted on as they occur, at the next regular council meeting. The highway committee meeting was also canceled with requests being addressed at the full council meeting.

In addition to the County Council public meetings, December’s work included attending a Board of Commissioners public meeting, a Council Caucus meeting, meeting with Dave Hyatt, the CEO of Riverview Health, attending a Noblesville City Council meeting, two Cicero Town Council meetings, a Jackson Township Planning meeting, and a Cicero Utilities planning meeting.

The month included three constituents service requests. Usually, requests require research with a county department, securing the correct answer and then following up with the taxpayer. December’s taxpayer questions were regarding the Hazardous Waste budget, the expansion of the county utility district, and county aquifers. I also fielded several questions about annexation and how residents in Adams and Jackson townships could be affected by being annexed.

As a council, in addition to the normal county operations financial oversight, we are investing time and continue to work on the expansion of the judicial center, attainable housing initiatives, ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) spend management, a domestic violence center, a new 911 Communications center, county participation in CIRDA (Central Indiana Regional Development Authority), a pedestrian bridge to connect a Fishers and a Carmel park, highway projects, board appointments, updating utility services to the north and planning for the services that will be needed to accommodate our growing county population.

Of note this month was working to complete board appointments, council committee assignments, and collaborating with Cicero officials on options for local utility projects. My 2024 responsibilities have changed and include serving on the personnel, insurance, and finance committees. Additionally, I volunteered to be the council’s second appointment to the Regional Development Commission (RDC). The RDC, in part influences where county TIF district dollars get invested. Last month the RDC created a Community Development Corporation (CDC), a private, nonprofit organization that supports and revitalizes communities, especially those that are impoverished or struggling. This combination is common, but I felt it important for a check and balance to be in place and to be a part of oversight on RDC spending and tax decisions that have implications for county taxpayers.

It was an honor to represent you at the Hamilton County Senior Center’s 2024 officer swearing-in ceremony, at the Hamilton County Tourism updated facility open house, at the annual Shop for Kids Christmas gift event, at the County’s Bicentennial Bash, and at a meeting with Noblesville Mayor Chris Jensen.

This is my timesheet. This is where my time went during month 12. There are quite a few projects in the queue for 2024, and while my job is primarily the financial oversight of the county budget, it is important to understand the Board of Commissioners’ priorities and balance them with the stewardship of taxpayer dollars. That is the job, and I am excited to do the people’s business.

As a taxpayer myself, and listening to so many of you, our employers, it’s important for the taxpayers to have access to all the information you want. I work for you and although you may not choose to do a deep dive into what your County Council does, it’s important that you can always do so.

Feel free to contact me at (317) 832-1104 or with questions, feedback or if you would like to talk about county business.