Mike Corbett, candidate for Noblesville Mayor in the 2019 Republican primary, launched his campaign with a public rally at the Mill Top Banquet and Conference Center in Noblesville Sunday afternoon.
Campaign Manager Michael Saner introduced the candidate to the crowd of supporters in attendance.
“I’ve been asked why we haven’t held a kickoff event like others have done,” said Saner. “The reason for that is simple, Mike wanted this to be different. He wanted it to be about you. He was adamant that this first campaign event set the precedent for the entire campaign, so we invited the public. That meant taking a little more time to make sure as many people as possible would have an opportunity to be a part of this event and that it be held at a place and time that was most accessible to you, the people that Mike wants to serve.”
In his first official address of the campaign, Corbett said too many decisions are being made behind closed doors in City Hall, and it’s time to bring a breath of fresh air to city government.
Corbett cited recent decisions regarding the trash fee, Nickel Plate Railroad, Seminary Park and the Levinson building as examples where the public was invited to comment long after the important decisions were made. He vowed to open the doors and include the public on important decisions.
The pace of development downtown is picking up, he said, and it is crucial that the public be involved as important decisions are made about the size, scale and design of new downtown buildings.
“That is a noble cause and one worth fighting for, especially considering what’s at stake. Nothing less than the future of our city,” he said. “Let’s make sure that future happens in an environment where everybody gets a say, the plan is adjusted and the final plan represents a compromise of competing interests.”
Corbett said one priority is bringing the train back to downtown. He also said he would focus on developing the river, trails, parks, the proposed Pleasant Street Bypass and the abandoned Firestone property.
“I am gratified by the depth of support I’ve seen so far,” he said, “and am convinced that this is the time to finally bring positive change to City Hall.”
Candidate background
Mike Corbett has been involved in Noblesville affairs for more than a decade as a citizen, volunteer and business owner.
He’s a member of the boards of directors for Noblesville Main Street, Noblesville Preservation Alliance and Hamilton County Area Neighborhood Development (HAND). He’s a current member and former president of the Noblesville Midday Rotary Club and serves on the Southwest Quad Action Team. He’s a graduate of the Hamilton County Leadership Academy and the Noblesville Schools Ambassador Program. He was honored this year as one of United Way’s 100 Heroes.
He holds a BA in Broadcast Journalism and an MBA. Corbett’s company, Hamilton County Media Group, publishes the Hamilton County Business Magazine and the Welcome to Hamilton County Community Guide.
He is married to Joni Corbett, a REALTOR®, and has five grown children. He spends his free time renovating historic houses, volunteering with nearly a dozen local civic groups and riding his Fuji 12-speed bicycle.
For more information please visit Mike’s website, mikecorbettformayor.com. Connect with Mike on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
The text of Mike’s speech at the campaign kickoff is available in the blog section of mikecorbettformayor.com.