Robyn Cook has filed and announced her candidacy for the office of Trustee for Jackson Township.

Cook has served as clerk-treasurer to the Town of Atlanta for the last 18 years. She is an Indiana Accredited Municipal Clerk and Certified Municipal Clerk. She is highly qualified in government finance and administration.
She has assisted the Town of Atlanta in obtaining millions of dollars in grants, most recently a $1.7 million water works grant which will fund a major infrastructure project with no out-of-pocket expenses to the Town.
Additionally, Cook annually co-chairs the Atlanta New Earth Festival, Hamilton County’s longest-running and largest festival which brings nearly 100,000 visitors to the community each year during the two-day event.
One of the many benefits Cook can bring to the office of Trustee is an immediate taxpayer savings by ending the outsourcing of many of the Jackson Township Trustee duties which are being hired out to other agencies, costing tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars annually.
Examples of Township Trustee duties currently being outsourced include: annual budget preparation and submission to the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance, annual financial reports filed with the Indiana State Board of Accounts and payroll – just to name a few.
Cook has the experience and knowledge to perform those duties herself and to make better use of those township funds by using them to help the citizens who need them.
Cook has a proven track record when it comes to fiscal responsibility, job qualifications, work ethic and transparency in government.
Combined with her passion for public service and her dedication to all residents, her life of responsible public service has made her a respected leader in the community.
Robyn Cook is the wife of Jai Cook and the mother of four daughters. She has lived in Jackson Township most of her life. She is an active member of Life Church Noblesville where she serves as a youth group leader in addition to serving as secretary to Life Church Motorcycle Ministry, a ministry she and her husband helped create.