Communicating through art

40 stories for 40 years . . .


We sing, we dance, we paint and we write to express ourselves and to communicate our feelings to others. There is a great deal of creativity in everyone just waiting to be released.

Janus Team Leader Brittany Lehman (left) and Janus artist Christy Bowser. (Photo provided by Janus)

People with intellectual challenges and developmental disabilities can have difficulties communicating in conventional ways. When they express themselves by creating art, they share their ideas, their opinions and their joy.

Christy Bowser, a Janus artist, was excited that her art was chosen to be displayed at a recent Conner Prairie visual arts reception hosted by the Fishers Art Council. Christy enjoys painting nature settings and anything else that she finds to be beautiful. Staying busy is important to Christy, and her summer plans include playing softball, reading, attending her Bible Study group and of course, continuing to express herself and her love of life through her paintings.

So, the next time you get a chance to look at a painting, be sure to take the opportunity to look deeply so that you will be able to connect with the artist and discover what she is trying to say through her art.