Commissioners recommend aid from recovery allocation


Hamilton County Commissioners on Wednesday recommended to the County Council funds from the American Recovery Act account be granted to the County Tourism Bureau, the County Auditor and the new county garage project.

Tourism is to get $3 million to make up for lost revenue suffered during the COVID pandemic. Also recommended was $133,000 to reconfigure a section of the auditor’s office to provide safer separation of employees and members of the public, and $100,000 for drainage needs at the high rise garage now under construction and 8th and Clinton streets in Noblesville.

The requests will go before the county council at its November meeting for approval and required appropriation.

The funds would come from the county’s $65 million recovery act grant. Commissioners will consider additional disbursements at their Oct. 27 meeting.

The federal money may go to county agencies which suffered financial losses in the pandemic, infrastructure projects, small businesses which suffered potential revenue losses, and county non-profit charitable organizations which also suffered losses.