The Sheridan Historical Society is presenting an interesting program for community members at 7 p.m. this coming Monday, June 4 at the Sheridan Public Library. Two co-authors from Cadiz, Ky. will be in town to continue their work on a picture book about a Sheridan businesswoman from the early part of the 20th century.

Have you ever seen this photograph before? Do you know this woman? There is some belief that this is a picture of Sheridan’s Mamie Randolph, owner of a local photography studio who came to Sheridan 100 years ago and began a successful career as a photographer. (Photo provided)
Mamie Randolph was a photographer who came to Sheridan from Cadiz, Kentucky after divorcing her husband. She and her young son packed up and moved north to begin life anew, this time as an independent businesswoman running a successful photography business. Why she choose Sheridan remains something of a mystery although, at the time, Sheridan was a thriving community and perhaps represented the best place for an ambitious woman to succeed.
The Cadiz authors – Kim Fortner and Paul Fourshee – are amateur historians and came across Mamie Randolph’s story in their hometown and decided to explore it a bit further. This led them to decide to begin work on a book featuring this ambitious lady’s life and her work, and hence they were lead to Sheridan.
Mamie Randolph life story is important for two reasons. First, it was unusual for women 100 years ago to own a successful business; after all, it was a man’s world back in those days. And secondly, she was a successful businesswoman right here in Sheridan and that makes her important.
The authors are coming to Sheridan because they want to find out more about Mamie and her photography business. They have asked the Historical Society to help them research her Sheridan life. They are especially interested in any pictures the people in Sheridan may have that were taken by her either in her studio or in a community setting.
The local museum on Main Street has a few of Mamie Randolph’s photos but we are looking for more. The Society is asking Sheridan residents to dig out any old photos you may have with a logo similar to one the pictured here. The authors would like to scan your photographs and include them in their book, giving you full credit for your contribution.
Fortner and Fourshee will be speaking at the Sheridan Historical Society’s monthly meeting at 7 p.m. on June 4 at the Library. They will talk about their project and outline what they would like to accomplish, using any pictures the public can furnish. The latter part of the meeting will be devoted to scanning and preserving any old Randolph Studio photographs brought in by residents.
Please look through that old trunk you have out in the garage that came from grandmother’s and see if there are any old photographs in there that have the Randolph logo on them. Plan to bring those old photographs to the Monday night meeting and show them to the guest speakers. They may want to scan them and add them to their book and give your good name a prominent place in the book.
The Sheridan Historical Society hopes to see many of you at the program even if you do not have any photographs to contribute because this will be an interesting presentation. Some of you may actually remember Mamie and could share some interesting stories about her life here in Sheridan.