Clay Township is proceeding with design and construction of a new multi-use indoor fieldhouse at Mark Badger Memorial Park after the Carmel City Board of Zoning Appeals voted unanimously on Monday to approve several variances associated with the project.
Several people from the surrounding area, including church and school leaders, spoke in favor of the fieldhouse, which is expected to exceed 120,000 square feet. While cost estimates associated with the project are still being finalized, officials expect construction to begin by January 2020.
The fieldhouse is one of 19 projects of the Clay Township Impact Program. All projects are being funded by bonds and will be completed over the next three years.


“This facility will be an incredible opportunity not only for the Carmel Dads’ Club, but also the Carmel Clay Parks Department, which has an urgent need for space for its summer camp programs,” Clay Township Board President Matt Snyder said. “We are incredibly excited to get started on all of our projects. We believe that they will greatly benefit our community by improving our parks and our public safety initiatives across the entire township.”
Through an agreement between Carmel Dads’ Club, Carmel Clay Parks Department, and the Township, the fieldhouse will give the parks access to the space without the costs associated with constructing its own fieldhouse. Likewise, the fieldhouse will provide the Carmel Dads’ Club to reach 12,000 kids in 12 sports on a year-round basis.
The new fieldhouse will include an indoor synthetic field, basketball and other sports courts, and locker rooms. Officials are currently seeking sponsorships for various naming rights. If anyone is interested in naming rights, please contact Sponsorship Coordinator Jan Smith at or (317) 846-1663.
“We are grateful for the support of our community partners with this effort,” said Jack Beery, president of the Carmel Dads’ Club. “We believe the new fieldhouse will help us continue to foster the development of thousands of township youth in this community. We look forward to working with all the parties involved to make this facility one in which we can all can be proud.”