
The journey of motherhood

The relationship between sisters is truly a dynamic one. There’s a quote by Marion C. Garretty that I’ve always loved because I feel it so perfectly captures the relationship of…

Like mother, like daughter

“Mom, I think my friends and I need a time-out.” Leah is 10 years old and yet she has the thoughts of an old soul. She amazes me. I often…

Meet the topless Saalman

My earliest memory of being embarrassed by a parent happened at Saddle Lake in 1974. I was 10. The episode scarred my psyche so badly that even now, at 58,…

Taking a look at my favorite movies

By ISAIAH GARRETT Sheridan High School Student The Sheridan Student Column is brought to readers by Sheridan High School’s 10th grade English class, taught by Abby Williams. Before I start…

Adult siblings = best friends?

My youngest son Jacob turned 21 last week. To mark this momentous occasion, my husband John and my other son, Jonathon, went up to Ball State last Friday to join…