
If that isn’t love

Marry a man who will go shopping for you to buy a yellow coat you don’t need. That is my advice to my granddaughters. I might add, especially if he…

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Get the frog out

By BRAD FISCHER Guest Columnist Editor’s Note: At 46, Brad Fischer, Brownsburg, was diagnosed with stage 4 gastric cancer. He was given one year to live. Brad’s memoir, The Sand…

Don’t rush your reunion

As my adoption and reunion story continues, I’ve changed some names, places, and dates. Around Thanksgiving in 2015, my birth mother Linda and I once again were in the middle…

How does a person of faith handle divorce?

The Pope recently issued a paper on changes in the Catholic Church concerning divorce. Our office frequently has requests for a “church divorce” or encounters a client who has questions…

Word for 2023: strength

For 2023, I have chosen STRENGTH as my word for the year. As I pondered over what word I would choose to focus on in 2023, I kept coming back…