
Reverence & irreverence

Grandpa Howard told me the story that when, on one occasion when he went to the Otter-Creek church west of Brazil, Ind., an epidemic of measles prevented holding church services….

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Company’s coming!

Nothing motivates me like knowing that company is coming. I go into get ‘er done gear! The Leonard, Mathis, McLaughlin, and Altman families will be gathering at our little house…

Learning to be more inclusive

By MAELEI CASLER Sheridan High School Student The Sheridan Student Column is brought to readers by Sheridan High School’s 10th grade English class, taught by Abby Williams. The Oxford Dictionary…

Uncle John

Grandpa Howard told me the story of “Uncle John.” Grandpa had accepted the pastorate of the country church located near the home of Uncle John. Grandpa learned that Uncle John…