
Toddler Traffic Jam Blues

As with everybody, over the years, my worries and anxieties have changed. I’ve always had a reputation to be calm, cool, and collected among my peers, but it’s natural to…

Political pertinency

Grandpa Howard told the story of when James A. Mount was a candidate for Governor. He had concluded a campaign speech with the following anecdote: “John had two sweethearts, living…

We can do more to protect our environment

There’s this unfair perception that being a Republican means you don’t care about protecting our environment and conserving nature. The root word in “conservative” is “conserve” and it was a…

I walked on water

What I did on my summer vacation … I‘m standing in the flooring aisle of Lowes. My eyes surf the various planks of Pergo. A forest of oak, pine, hickory,…

A father, a son – a baseball

I recently found a photo of my Peanut League team, dated 1972. There are five of us of varying height. The tallest, of course, is closest to me, his left…