
What is real?

My study at Purdue included a brief foray into quantum mechanics. One of the unnerving statements was that the universe is not real. By real, it was meant that objects…

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The old philodendron

What is an heirloom? It depends on whom you ask. Heirlooms hold value, but not always in the monetary way that one may think. The greatest value that may be…

About that chicken

“Janet Kay, you need to quit running around like a chicken with its head cut off.” Oh, I’ve heard my mother say that to me so many times. I still…

Watching the game from the sideline

By CECILIA TIMME Sheridan High School Student The Sheridan Student Column is brought to readers by Sheridan High School’s 10th grade English class, taught by Abby Williams. These sports seasons…

Ode to a porch

By MEGHAN QUINN Guest Columnist Editor’s note: Scott Saalman is spending the week trying to find himself. He recommends that you read a better writer, Meghan Quinn, who lives in…

You’re going to eat THAT?

One of the fun things about being an “almost” empty nester is visiting our boys near their college campuses. Jonathon attends IUPUI and Jacob attends Ball State. Last Sunday, my…