
Dear Fear

Some of you may remember my “Dear Muscular Dystrophy” column I wrote. I was finally able to put into words the complicated feelings that living with Muscular Dystrophy cultivates. It…

On the night you were born

“On the night you were born, the moon shone with such wonder that the stars peeked in to see you and the night wind whispered, ‘Life will never be the…

Collaboration of physicians & APRNs is best for patients

Once again, this legislative session, advanced practice registered nurses (nurse practitioners) will continue their quest to gain “full practice authority,” commonly referred to as “independent practice.” Currently, Indiana law requires…

How tax dollars work in public schools

By TERRY SPRADLIN Guest Columnist With the start of the 2025 session of the Indiana General Assembly, the investment in K-12 public education will become a focal point of the…

Celebrating the pause

Pause: temporary inaction caused by uncertainty. Hello, Bell’s Palsy. When I chose PAUSE as my Word of the Year in November, I had no idea BP would be pausing my…