
Happy birthday, Grandma Janet

From the Heart Leah comes bouncing into the lanai (back porch) in Tampa. “Grandma, tomorrow is your birthday. How old will you be?” I laughed as I knew this would…

Intersections getting too complicated

The County Line Some major intersections in Hamilton County are being over engineered and way too complicated. That’s my opinion, and one shared by others I talk with. What do…

Around Hamilton County

The County Line Here are some news bits of the week brought to you by your vigilant County Line writer. Noblesville’s 31st annual Historic Homes Tour is set for Sept….

Business has no borders

A couple weeks ago out at the Indianapolis Executive Airport the Westfield and Zionsville Chamber hosted a monthly luncheon. There were 200 people in attendance and businesses from both communities…

Dillinger cuts ribbon on vision

The County Line The Riverwalk is completed. It’s been a long time in the making, but it’s finally done. The official opening Friday morning marked the successful completion of a…

Memory, part 2

Courtney’s Journey I know that I have talked about memory in a previous article, but it continues to be a central issue. The drugs that cure me are the same…

You are as young as you feel

From the Heart I have become even more acquainted with the importance of proper breathing and staying fit since Chuck and I began going to Yoga classes a few years…