
It’s Miller Time in Noblesville

Indiana State Representative Homecoming at Noblesville has been a long time tradition during the football season. The dance, the parade, the floats, the dress up days, the powder puff game…

Exploring Amazon possibility

The County Line Amazon, the national retail giant, is looking for a new location for what they call a “second national headquarters.” In recent days there have been reports in…

Facing the giant named Irma

From the Heart My mind knows the scripture Psalms 62:2: “He only is my rock and my salvation. My stronghold. I shall not be shaken.” I’ve read that scripture many…

Here’s your retirement countdown

Cicero Edward Jones If you want to enjoy a comfortable retirement lifestyle, you don’t need to have been born rich or even to have earned scads of money during your…

GOP not wise taking county for granted

The County Line You’ve got to wonder about the reasoning used by some Republican candidates for major political office when they decline to appear at a function in Hamilton County….

City plans three more roundabouts by 2019

The County Line Noblesville is rapidly joining other cities in adopting the roundabout method of handling traffic at increasingly busy intersections. Three more roundabouts are planned in the city during…