
Kenley responds to Williams

Dear Editor: As Trustee of Noblesville Township I feel compelled to respond to the factual errors and exaggerations presented by Mr. Williams in his recent letter to the editor published…

One fine day

From the Heart On Tuesday, with their parents out of town, Alecksa, Abby and Jake spent the night with us. When the grands are in the house it is never…

A look at news from around the county

The County Line The Indiana Transportation Museum (ITM) has begun disposing of some of its surplus railroad equipment from its Forest Park location. The museum has informed other museums and…

Case for moving Indiana to Central Time

Dear Editor: Indiana was shifted from its correct Central Time Zone to Eastern in the mid-1960s, however, we didn’t experience a sunlight schedule change until 2006 when Eastern Daylight Saving…

Stage is set for May 8 primary

The County Line There are races for county council in District 1 where incumbent Fred Glynn is being challenged by Sue Maki, in District 3 where incumbent Steve Schwartz faces…