
Bend with the big wind

Be Well “If a big wind comes, a tree must bend or be lifted up by its roots.”  – Cochise, Apache Chief I always enjoy contemplating the wisdom of the…

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A thank you to Richardson

To My Friend Kathy, I first want to say thank you. Thank you for all the lives you have touched throughout your time as a leader at the Statehouse. There…

Drug crisis real, warns Carter

Coroner confirms nine more deaths . . . The County Line State Police Superintendent Doug Carter, speaking Thursday night at the annual Clay Township Republican chili supper, said the opioid…

Thoughts from the second row

From the Heart “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.” As a child I was taught not only the words, but what they mean. Most…

Reader: Time for a zone change

Dear Editor: As signs of spring are arriving and morning sunlight greets us once more, this Sunday Hoosiers living in Indiana’s 80 Eastern Time counties will be plunged back into…

This week’s news around the county

The County Line Basketball fans interested in watching the upcoming regional game between Carmel and Fort Wayne Homestead will find it telecast live online by HCTV starting at noon Saturday….