
About that spaghetti …

From the Heart Several years ago a wise man gave me a bit of advice. “Church lady, if it won’t make a difference or be remembered in five years it’s…

Looking back as part of planning ahead

Be Well “Without proper self-evaulation, failure is inevitable.” – John Wooden My last article quoted Charlie Brown vowing to his friend Lucy to make decisions in 2018 and part of…

A good pajama day

From the Heart Some days are just meant to be a pajama day. Friday was one of them. Oh the weather outside was frightful. Neither freezing rain nor blowing snow…

When do you need a financial advisor?

Cicero Edward Jones If you could accomplish all your financial goals just by putting your paycheck into the bank every couple of weeks, you wouldn’t need the services of a…

Councilman claims no animosity

Dear Editor: Regarding Fred Swift’s article on Jan. 5 titled “Schwartz Elected President in split vote”, I would like to state in my opinion this was a philosophical disagreement and…