
What it means to be human

By WHITNEY WILSON Sheridan High School Student Over the course of history, a total of 108 billion humans have been placed on Earth, all for a reason. Out of 108…

The Big Break and the Aftermath

All my life I have been some type of athlete…  I was fortunate to play on three State Championship Teams — two in golf and one in basketball.  I then…

Mourning and doing the best we can

“The English language lacks the words to mourn an absence. For the loss of a parent, grandparent, spouse, child or friend, we have all manner of words and phrases, some…

A look back down Nickel Plate Rail

The County Line Some of our local leaders have decided a trail would offer more than a railroad. So, as the Nickel Plate Railroad appears to be nearing the end…

What worries me

A wise man once told me that everyone needs one…a Worry Tree. Whenever you have something at work that is troubling you, he said, “Don’t take it home with you….