
Reader: ‘I am Anita’

Dear Editor, Regarding your article about the Nickel Plate yesterday, referencing an email with my name. “Email: “As for Anita – I’d rather not waste time on her. She’s probably…

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Speaking up to support the trail

To Whom It May Concern: As volunteer representatives of two neighborhoods in Noblesville totaling more than 250 households, we appreciate the passionate discussion that has come as a result of…

Reader applauds ‘watchdog journalism’

Dear Editor, Congratulations on the story holding city officials accountable for questionable emails emanating from City Hall. As a fellow publisher, I applaud watchdog journalism and the effort to shine…

Reader appreciates seeking hard facts

Dear Editor: BRAVO!! Reporter, congratulations! You have finally joined the ranks of journalists. Instead of cut and paste wire news, you actually developed your own investigative story. Instead of just…

Remembering summers past

Dear Editor, I have had occasion to reflect as I see all the “back to school” specials and reminders the past several weeks and I find myself wondering – where…

Progress with Stage 4

I just returned from an eleven day trip to Vancouver and Alaska. Thus, I am trying to get back into the “flow”. My biggest goal is to get the kids…

Powerless in Noblesville

It was 5 a.m. on Friday. I woke up and felt powerless . . . actually, I was powerless. And the thunder rolls, the lightning strikes and we lost power….