
Pressing flowers

Have you ever received a gift and been so enamored with it that you wonder how you’ve gone your entire life without it? For me, it happened on my birthday…

“No” isn’t a bad word

Has saying no to something good ever been a struggle for you? Are you a people-pleaser? Do you compare yourself to others? Me too. How could I say no? I…

Like father, unlike son

The final sawn limb popped from the poplar tree, untangled from the utility line and crashed down. Middle-aged, I applauded from a safe distance, like a giddy child. My old…

Spreading joy to your customers

“Customer satisfaction is worthless. Customer loyalty is priceless.” – Jeffrey Gitomer, author & speaker Hopefully by now you’re on the path to being a more joyful person/employee and you’re gaining…

The big hill

A few years ago, my husband, my youngest son, and I went on a weekend getaway for his fall break. I told them I wanted to try a short trail…

Just an old door

Mother told me this story. On a cold December day in 1899 the young man shoved the old door open. Then lifting his bride as though she were light as…

Oh, what a WONDERful world

If you’re a history buff, like me, you have probably seen documentaries about the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. You can easily check YouTube, the History Channel, or a…