
Mark Morrow remembers Don Jellison

Dear Editor: Don and I were competitors in a sense, though we were always good friends. We had much respect for each other. Don even confided in me about starting…

Tony Cook remembers Don Jellison

Dear Editor, I was in California earlier this week, when my good friend, Perry Williams, texted me with the sad news that Don Jellison had passed away. Over the years,…

Rex Pitts remembers Don Jellison

Dear Editor: A phone call was the only communication I had with Don although I tried to see him several times. Don wrote the articles about Sheridan’s former coach, Larry…

Evelyn Lees remembers Don Jellison

Dear Editor: I was so very sorry to hear of Don Jellison’s passing. He was truly an icon in Noblesville and Hamilton County. I remember reading him for as long…

Jack Beery remembers Don Jellison

Dear Editor: On behalf of myself and CDC [Carmel Dads’ Club], we would like to express our sincere condolences on Don’s passing. Don was a true icon in Hamilton County…

Chad Ballenger remembers Don Jellison

Dear Editor: Hamilton County lost a special person! I always enjoyed talking with Jelly. I will always be amazed after games when he would interview me and scribble his notes…

Brian Bragg remembers Don Jellison

Dear Editor: Thank you for all that you do for my business, the town of Sheridan, and Hamilton County. I know these last few days have been difficult and I…