
Art therapy

By CAITLIN NEESE Sheridan High School Student Editor’s Note: The Sheridan Student Column is brought to readers by Sheridan High School’s 10th grade English class, taught by Abigayle Williams. Did…

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Noble Industries to vote Yes Nov. 6

Dear Editor: On Nov. 6, 2018, the owners of Noble Industries plan to VOTE YES to the Noblesville Schools 2018 Operating Referendum Question. Noble Industries has been in business since…

Carmel reader questions AWOL Hotel Carmichael

Dear Editor: Glaringly absent from the mayor’s highly forgettable “State of the City – 2018” sermon was any reference to the Hotel Carmichael. This up-scale, chic, luxury, expensive, gaudy, unnecessary…

Calling on community for Yes vote

Dear Noblesville residents, My family and I moved to Noblesville about eight years ago. Our top criterion for selecting an area and house was good schools. We selected Noblesville because…