
Changes on the horizon

Chasing Wisdom Like many people of my generation, I enjoyed the illusion of privacy in my callow and misspent youth. I say “illusion” because even then your information was available…

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Humor for the housebound

The County Line These days I find it doesn’t take all my time to clean the garage, mop the kitchen floor and do other household chores. And, there are so…

Coronavirus and the power of fear

LarryInFishers.com There has been a lot said and written about the protests staged in several states, including Indiana, in the past few days, protesting the stay-at-home orders and business closings…


From the Heart In all of this chaos and cluster I have found my aroundtuit! You know, those things that I always wanted to do when I had the time…

Please allow me to introduce myself

Publisher’s Perspective “What do we know about this guy that is just all over the health department … this Jeff Jellison? Or whatever? Do we have any idea where this…

Turning down the heat

Sandwiched As I mentioned weeks ago, the average caregiver is a 49-year-old woman who works and takes care of at least one elderly parent. That’s me precisely. Since there are…